We’ve covered the need for a website, and some basic SEO work that you can apply to your site. Now we look at branding yourself…
Not like a cow gets branded!
Branding your Music
But branding your name, business and music…
All the work you put into your craft of learning chords, keys, and more… will be null and void (in the online world) without good branding.
Point and case below. A local Sunshine Coast (hailing from Bundy) artist who has dreads and wears red specs. Come on… you know who it is….
Mr. Wockner.
Carl that is.
The man pictured above (not actual image of Carl) has achieved what all local/regional artists should be attempting to epitomize.
Currently residing in the US of A, and kicking some major goals, all started with a rug, a mic stand, and some damn good covers at the Belvedere Hotel in Redcliffe (back in 2011 I witnessed this at the the Steak and Crabhouse as Carl entertained staff, punters and children alike on a quiet Saturday evening), then came the numerous pubs and clubs around the Sunshine Coast… until Crayon Days happened – (follow the link for album on Spotify). That’s when the proverbial rocket launched.
With some smart branding – this could be any artist in a regional Australian town today! (Carl has over 11,000 followers on Facebook and 9,000 on Instagram)
But how does one achieve this??? There in lies the million $$$ question!
Find your look, song, logo, or feature that is different to anyone else out there. The red glasses above differentiate this musician in particular from many others out there whom sport dreadlocks… and there is something that makes you as an artist unique.
Find it. Then, capitalise on it!
I attended a workshop (about establishing yourself as a brand/business) that Carl once held, and the man certainly captivates a crowd. He has successfully branded himself as a unique artist. Hence why he is smashing it all over the states as we speak.
Check out his site for upcoming dates in Australia.. (refurbished as a mobile responsive site by music. simply. 😉)